Gifts in wills

Illustration of Hartslock nature reserve showing green meadows, flowers and butterflies

Illustration by Lizzie Harper

Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will protects the places you love for generations to come.


A gift to BBOWT, either in your will or as an in memory donation, is a great way to make a lasting contribution to wildlife and nature near you.

Illustration of Hartslock Nature Reserve showing green meadows, flowers, birds and butterflies

Hartslock Nature Reserve by Lizzie Harper


…a future where nature is not just in recovery, but where it is flourishing everywhere, for everyone.

Where bigger, wilder, more interconnected landscapes mean we are no longer one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, but one where clean water, healthy soils, and fresh air enable nature and people to thrive in harmony.

The actions we take now are crucial to this future vision becoming a reality and the simple gesture of remembering BBOWT in your will can help us work together for generations to come.

Contact us
Wildlife illustration of a swallow, butterflies and green fields

Illustration by Lizzie Harper

Your wild promise for today, tomorrow, forever...

Since 1959 we have been working hard to protect local wild spaces for everyone in our three counties, and there is so much more to do.

Click below for more information on how to help with a gift in your will:

Free Gifts in Wills brochure    Free wills service  

Find a solicitor    Independent financial advice

Our work at a glance

Every gift in every will, however large or small, makes a difference.

Information graphic showing BBOWT statistics including 85 nature reserves and 1,700 volunteers

Steve's story

It's good for me to know that when I'm gone this place will be here and it will be looked after.
Steve C
BBOWT supporter and legacy pledger

Find out more

Your will is there to protect those you love for the future - and for me that means remembering wildlife too.
Val S
BBOWT volunteer and legacy pledger

Charity details


Full name: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust

Registered Charity Number: 204330

Charity address: The Lodge, 1 Armstrong Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XT