Water vole by Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
New campaign calls for a ‘legal right to local nature’ in Levelling Up reforms
Government levelling up plans will fail unless they include access to nature, warn 60+ organisations.
What is a Nudibranch?
Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, are much like their land-based relatives that you may spot in your garden. But, unlike your regular garden slug, the nudibranch can incorporate the stinging…
What is regenerative farming?
Ever wondered what regenerative farming is and how it compares to other farming approaches? Vicki Hird, The Wildlife Trusts’ new strategic lead on agriculture, looks at this farming buzzword and…
What we do
The election results are in! So, what’s next for nature?
Throughout the election campaign, it became clear that people know that our natural world is in crisis and want politicians to make the bold and ambitious commitments to reverse the decline. So…
What to do for wildlife at home
With travel limited at the moment, we’re going to focus on things that you can do at home to help wildlife.
Change what you eat
Eat more plant-based foods, reduce your food waste and buy local produce to shrink your environmental footprint.
What is the Environmental Improvement Plan?
BBOWT's Holly Gray explains the pros and cons of the Government’s ambitious plan to save nature.
What to feed hedgehogs and badgers
Putting out a bit of food can help see mammals like hedgehogs through colder spells.
What would wildlife wish for in 2019?
Here are five wishes that some of our local wildlife might make if they had a voice. What do you think wildlife would wish for?
What is the biodiversity conference, COP 15?
We cannot restore nature without tackling climate change, and we cannot tackle climate change without restoring nature. Robert Cooke explains why the biodiversity conference, COP 15, is so…