Redwing by Margaret Holland
Redwing by Margaret Holland
"I wish all the hedgerows would be left uncut over winter so I have lots of berries to eat to help me survive the cold."
Water vole by Tom Marshall
“I wish for more grassy banks beside canals and rivers where I can burrow to make a home and raise my family.”
Garden bird bath by Margaret Holland
" I wish for clean, fresh water as well as bird food in gardens this winter.”
Dormouse by Zoe Helene Kindermann
“I’m wishing that lots of coppicing is carried out this winter so there will be an abundance of shoots, insects and fruits for me to feed on next year.”
Mallard entangled in plastic rubbish by Magnus Manske
"I wish people would throw their litter in a bin or take it home with them."
Tell us what your wish for wildlife is for 2019 by tweeting @BBOWT with #MyWildWish
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