Your wild promise for today, tomorrow, forever...
If you would like to notify us of having remembered BBOWT within your will, we have created the Legacy Society as a way of saying thank you for this incredible gesture.
Through an annual digital newsletter, we hope to keep you regularly informed about our work and invite you to the special events we organise each year exclusively for the Legacy Society to meet up and enjoy the wildlife we all love, together.
Joining this programme is completely optional but we hope all of you feel valued, as our work exists because of your remarkable support.
For more information, please contact our Legacy Officer, Miriam Murphy.
Call: 01865 775 476
BBOWT, The Lodge, 1 Armstrong Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4XT

Legacy Society guided walk, Meadow Farm
Your special invitation
We would love to be able to thank you and to invite you to special behind-the-scenes events to see how your gift will help our work.