Future Nature WTC delivers a comprehensive range of Biodiversity Services, to support clients through the planning and development process and ensure positive and lasting benefits for nature.
Which biodiversity services do we provide?
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
- Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Assessment, including pre- and post-development BNG Calculation using the DEFRA 4.0 Metrics.
- Combined PEA & BNG Calculation & Report
- Biodiversity Enhancement & Management Plans to achieve post-development net gain unit target values.
- Building with Nature (BwN) planning, assessments and accreditations
- Ecological Impact Assessments
- Habitat Regulations Assessments
- Protected Species surveys
- DNA & eDNA ecological surveys, testing, analysis and reports
- Local wildlife Data Records Searches & analysis
- GIS Mapping software
- Ecological Clerk Of Works (ECOW)
- Biodiversity Action Plans
- Habitat Management Plans
- Habitat Restoration Advice
- Wildlife Monitoring Services
- The Wildlife Trusts Biodiversity Benchmark (WTBB) assessment, advice & accreditation
- BREEAM assessments
- Green Infrastructure, Ecological Architecture, Brownfield & New Landscapes design.
The scope of Biodiversity Services required for development projects is a rapidly evolving picture, particularly with the advent of new policy and legislation, including The Environment Act, which was granted Royal Assent on the 9 November 2021. Future Nature WTC can steer clients through the maze of old and new regulations, so that risks are identified and all planning requirements are met.
We can provide biodiversity assessment services using data records, GIS mapping and specialist survey works, plus, Future Nature also offers advice to enhance clients’ engagement and objectives for their projects. This advice is best delivered during concept and design stages, so that a smooth process through Planning and development can be achieved.
A question we are frequently asked is what is Biodiversity Net Gain? Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to development and land use that leaves biodiversity in a quantifiably better state than before. The Environment Act now mandates 10% BNG for most developments and this reinforces the revised National Planning Policy Framework (2019), which states that local planning authorities (LPAs) should identify and pursue opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity.
For BNG Assessments, Future Nature will carry out pre-development surveys and data searches, to produce a baseline report. We will also review landscape proposals to evaluate habitats post-development. The findings will be assessed and, using the DEFRA 4.0 Metrics, the percentage change is calculated for biodiversity units from pre- to post-development.
In cases where the 10% BNG units target is not being met, Future Nature can offer expert guidance on how the shortfall can be achieved or better still exceeded, with on-site and off-site options for creating or enhancing habitats. Our knowledge of the localities and the species diversity they hold, will be key to achieving the best outcome for client and nature.
Contact us
Future Nature WTC
Meadow Farm, Thame Road, Blackthorn, Oxfordshire, OX25 1TW
Tel: 0300 124 0958
Email: enquiries@futurenaturewtc.co.uk
Company no: 680007. VAT registered: 294772260