Windsor Great Park Environmental Centre by Ric Mellis
Windsor Great Park Environmental Centre
A journey of learning and discovery at Windsor Great Park
Education programmes for Primary Schools
Skilled staff to lead your day and engage children’s heads, hearts and hands.
Imaginative activities offer links with Early Learning Goals, science and geography and give opportunities for developing literacy and numeracy skills.
- A wonderful location in a private area within the Great Park, providing indoor and outdoor classrooms for inspirational and exciting activities. Fantastic learning opportunities to be had in forest and grassland.
What you need to know when you visit
We offer fully-led days for pre-booked groups January - October.
Trips usually run from 10am – 2.30pm but timings can be flexible.
There is a charge of £8 per child (or £5 for half-day programmes), adults are free.
Minimum donation of £225 per class led by a BBOWT Learning Officer (£140 for half day sessions). Please note it may not be possible for us to accommodate requests for half day sessions in our peak periods.
We can accommodate a group of up to around 30 children on any day.
Children at Windsor Great Park Environmental Centre by Ric Mellis
I never knew the small creatures could be so cool!
Our Programmes
Windsor Woodland Animal Adventure - EYFS and lower KS1
Children are invited by Windsor Woodmouse to have an adventure in the woods and learn the secrets of how wild animals survive. Exciting hands-on activities build confidence in being outdoors and help children understand what animals need to stay alive. Follow the paw-print puzzle to find out who is who in the woods, make mini shelters and a sticky souvenir card to take home.
Spectacular Seasons -Reception and KS1
Choose from Spring into Spring, Summer Fun and Getting Ready for Winter. Throughout the seasons, learn about the important changes taking place in the natural world. Be a bird, a squirrel or bee and explore through hands-on activities, role play and games how plants and animals adapt and adjust to the ever-changing environment.
Minibeast Marvels - EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Meet a medley of minibeasts and learn what makes them different from the other animals that live in the Great Park and why so many of them love to live here.
Early Years options include: bug hunts; stories; learning to care for the little creatures; counting minibeast body parts; and creative fun.
Options for KS1 & 2 include: minibeast identification (keys); lifecycles; pollination; food chains; and adaptations.
Habitat Safari - KS1 and KS2
Investigate the creatures big and small that live in our surrounding meadow and woodland. Search for minibeasts with sweep nets and bug-hunting kits, and search in the skies and trees using binoculars. Use field guides and keys to identify and classify your creatures. Learn about life cycles, food chains and the adaptations of animals to these different habitats. Nature Detective Training is an alternative option – hunt for clues and solve a nature mystery in the woods.
Pretty Plants and Buzzy Bees - KS1 and KS2
Learn about the lifecycle of plants, find seeds and discover how they are dispersed. Make a paper pot, sow some seeds that will flower for food for the bees (watch them grow at school). Learn about the parts of a plant, play team games to identify some common plants, dissect flowers to find eggs and pollen, and then dress up as a bee to pollinate a flower.
Intriguing Trees - Upper KS1 and KS2
Deciduous or Evergreen? Follow our tree trail to unlock the secret names of trees using a key and discover just how different tree seeds can be. Meet a tree, learn about its lifecycle and play the Food Factory Game to understand how trees make their own food and provide oxygen for all animals. Plant a tree seed to grow your very own. Identify the animals that live in the woods, from canopy to leaf litter and deep underground.
‘It was fantastic today! It was amazing, I had so much fun’
Booking a trip is easy!
- Contact us on berkshireeducation@bbowt.org.uk or 07493 649 667
- Discuss your topic choices and confirm the date/s with us.
- We’ll send out your booking pack, containing a booking form, risk assessments and location map.
- Complete the booking form and send it back to us before you visit.
Where to find us
The centre is located within Windsor Great Park, accessed at Forest Gate off the A332 between Windsor and Ascot, SL4 2BY.
Download a map and directions
Forest school site hire

School children at Windsor Great Park. Picture: Ric Mellis
Available weekdays from Sept 2022
Private area at Windsor Great Park
- Available to teachers and forest school leaders with groups or for forest school leader training sessions
- Available Mondays to Fridays except during November and December when we close the entire site
- Sessions are usually half-day. Morning sessions typically run 10am - 12pm or afternoon sessions 1pm - 3pm, but this can be negotiable
- We have fantastic facilities including firepits, seating areas, toilets and plenty of parking. We welcome pre-visits
- Half day sessions are charged at £60 per session
For more information or to book please email carolineeverett@bbowt.org.uk
What's on at Windsor Great Park

Free Go Wild Guide
Whether you live in a town or the country there are new wildlife experiences waiting to be discovered right on your doorstep. Our Go Wild Guide is packed with exciting activities to get your children outdoors.

Helena Dolby, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Sign up for updates
Sign up below to receive the latest news from BBOWT, tips about how you can help wildlife, plus information on how you can get involved.
More ways to discover and learn
From planning a group visit to joining one of our wildlife clubs, there are lots of ways for young people to discover wonderful wildlife in our three counties.