Turn your patio into a haven for wildlife with Ben's top tips for containers, hanging baskets, climbers and even a small pond. The pollinators will thank you! Find out more in this short video.
Wildlife gardening: patio gardening for wildlife
Even the smallest space can be teeming with wildlife - every little helps! We've got some top tips for how to make it happen.
Patio gardens for wildlife (https://youtu.be/TZsJweXV2hw)
Patio gardens for wildlife
There's more advice on gardening in containers in our online guide!
Find out lots more ways to make your garden more wildlife friendly on our Actions page.
Change your energy use
Energy used in buildings accounted for around 20% of total UK emissions in 2022. Reducing your household energy use by switching to a…
How to feed birds in your garden
Find out how to attract birds into your garden all year round.
Change what you eat
Eat more plant-based foods, reduce your food waste and buy local produce to shrink your environmental footprint.
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