Reserves to visit in February

©Katrina Martin/2020VISION

With nearly 90 nature reserves across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire to choose from, which are the best to visit this month?
A kingfisher skimming across the surface of water.

Chalk streams are home to wildlife such as kingfishers, salmon and water voles. Picture by Marijn Bouwhuis

Letcombe Valley nature reserve, Oxon

On a fresh, clear day, wrap up warm and head over to Letcombe Valley to immerse yourself in the magic of its ancient woodland and precious rare chalk stream.

The habitat here is teeming with wildlife. Kingfishers hunt across the crystalline waters, flashing blue as their sharp call pierces the stillness of the valley.

Streamside, herons and little egrets can be seen prowling the shallows for a tasty fish morsel. There are many shades of green, and the clean air flows gently through the treetops.

Access: 30% surfaced paths; some moderate unsurfaced slopes; steps; kissing gates

Letcombe Valley

Path through scrub

Warburg Nature Reserve in winter. Photo by Kaya Saman

Warburg Nature Reserve, Oxon

For a more elemental escape, Warburg Nature Reserve is a remote and magnificent place, where grasslands in the valley give way to extensive woodlands rising up the hillsides. 

Home to an incredible range of species, as tiny as beetles and as big as red kites, Warburg Nature Reserve even has its own microclimate, where exceptionally cold winter nights give way to glorious frosty mornings. For valley views, tree bathing, snowdrops and a hilly stomp, challenge yourself to the (or part of the) 21km circular walk beginning in Henley.

Access: Variable, mostly steep paths and loose flint, flat grassy path; muddy in valley bottom after rain; benches.

mobility Tramper vehicle may be available, please email or call 07541 690655 before visiting to book in advance.

Warburg Nature Reserve

A male wigeon walks on a patch of ice

Wigeon © Danny Green/2020VISION

Calvert Jubilee, Bucks

One of the true joys of winter is the presence of migratory wildfowl who find shelter in our wetlands. When the warmer weather comes, they will fly north back to their homes in Iceland, Greenland, Scandinavia and Russia, so now is the time to pack your binoculars and a flask of tea and witness them in their hundreds.

Tucked away in this tranquil corner of Buckinghamshire lies Calvert Jubilee. There are kingfishers here, and a lucky birdwatcher might see bittern, smew, scaup, goldeneye, goosander and glaucous gull. 

The creation of three floating raft islands has enabled common terns and waterfowl to nest away from local foxes so come back in spring to see how they get on.

Access: Mostly bumpy but there is a flat surfaced path leading to the hide; gate; steps; bridges

Calvert Jubilee

A curlew in the water

Curlew by David Tipling/2020VISION

Upper Ray Meadows nature reserve, Bucks

As the overwintering wildfowl take their leave, in late February the first waders return. Head over to Upper Ray Meadows nature reserve to witness the arrival of curlews. These birds were once common in the English countryside when flood meadows and pastures were far more extensive, but their numbers have decreased due industry and intensive farming.

The River Ray is now one of the best areas in central England for this species and other wetland birds like lapwing, and BBOWT is working hard to encourage them to stay and breed here.

Access: Flat; uneven ground, floods in winter; soft after rain; gates. Gallows Bridge Farm bird hides are accessible with a robust wheelchair.

Upper Ray Meadows

Inkpen Crocus Field in bloom

Inkpen Crocus Field in bloom. Picture: Pete Hughes

Inkpen Crocus Field, Berks

Another harbinger of spring to look forward to in late February is Britain's largest displays of wild spring crocuses. This is a spectacle that is not to be missed.

Sometime towards the end of the month the tiny flowers will erupt at the unassuming Inkpen Crocus Field, tucked away in a residential corner of Berkshire. At its peak, the field is awash with the purple and white tens of thousands of blooms.

Bring your camera, and take care for you will find crocuses beneath your feet wherever you walk…

Access: Sloping; rough underfoot; wet patches in winter; kissing gate

Inkpen Crocus Field

Dog walking on Greenham Common

Dog walking on Greenham Common

Greenham and Crookham Commons, Berks

For more photographic opportunities, head over to the heart of West Berkshire’s Living Landscape, Greenham and Crookham Commons.

The rare heathland, managed by BBOWT on behalf of West Berkshire Council, will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary since it reopened to the public. In honour of this occasion, BBOWT are running a photography competition to showcase the site's rich history and wildlife. It is free to enter, and open to all. The competition closes on 28 February.

Photo Competition 

Access: The main tracks across the common are level and accessible for those with limited walking ability, off-road bicycles and off-road mobility scooters. Other waymarked routes are colour coded and cross varying terrain.

Greenham and Crookham Commons