Election 2024

A hand placing a voting slip in a ballot box

Vote for Nature. Picture: Towfiqu Ahamed Barbhuiya/ Canva

General Election 2024

Our priorities

4 JULY UPDATE: Check back soon for our post-election reaction.

Our top five priorities for the next government


The landmark 2023 State of Nature Report has shown that the UK – already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries in the world – is continuing to allow nature to decline.

BBOWT is calling upon all political parties to commit to a plan to finally halt and reverse this trend. Their policies must be targeted towards:

  1. Species recovery
  2. Addressing water pollution
  3. Funding wildlife-friendly farming
  4. Enabling healthy communities
  5. Tackling climate change

Evidence shows that people are more concerned about the state of their natural environment than ever before. With local elections in May and a general election on the horizon, it’s time politicians heard that message.

What happens in this year's elections could not be more crucial: the winners could seal the fate of our turtle doves, tortoiseshell butterflies, dormice, hedgehogs and hundreds more species - and whatever they do for nature will also have a huge effect on our wellbeing and our physical and mental health. Please ask your local candidates to sign up to our five priorities and, whatever way you vote this year, remember to vote for nature.
Estelle Bailey
Chief Executive, BBOWT
Water vole

Water vole by Terry Whittaker/2020Vision

Priority number one

Bring back our lost wildlife

Immense pressure from decades of pollution and habitat loss has driven wildlife into catastrophic decline.

Find out more
Face of a European otter swimming in a river

European otter by Andy Rouse/2020VISION

Priority number two

End river pollution

Our waterways are polluted and a dumping ground for waste. We need a strong, environmentally conscious government to tighten safeguards and ensure water courses are clean and safe for both wildlife and people.

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Rural landscape of mixed farming with green fields and ploughed land separated by hedges

Rural landscape by Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

Priority number three

Fund wildlife-friendly farming

By supporting farmers to shift towards regenerative, nature-friendly methods, farming has huge potential to deliver a green rural renewal.

Find out more
BBOWT Community Officer Barbara Polonara with members of the Slough Ujala Foundation community in the new community garden. Picture: Pete Hughes

BBOWT Community Officer Barbara Polonara with members of the Slough Ujala Foundation community in the new community garden. Picture: Pete Hughes

Priority number four

Enable healthy communities

More than one third of the population - nearly 9.5 million households in England – are unable to access green places near their home.

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Flooded meadows at Duxford, Oxfordshire 2019

Floods at Duxford Old River. Photo: Simon Cousins

Priority number five

Tackle the climate emergency

Climate change is driving nature’s decline, and the loss of wildlife and wild places leaves us ill-equipped to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to change.

Find out more

What you can do


Ask your candidates what their parties are doing to address The Wildlife Trusts' five priorities and what they will do locally if elected.

Election resources for voters

If you are a candidate, contact us to find out how you can work with BBOWT on these priorities.