Woodsides Meadow
A survivor from days gone by, Woodsides Meadow is part of a complex of rich wildflower meadows with more than 100 plant species.
75 results
A survivor from days gone by, Woodsides Meadow is part of a complex of rich wildflower meadows with more than 100 plant species.
Woodland flowers were the unexpected beneficiaries when the great storm of October 1987 brought several trees crashing down at Long Grove Wood. New glades created the ideal conditions for beauties…
A heathland site that is a haven for protected birds. Managed on behalf of the Windlesham United Charities.
Two flower rich meadows
The River Ray is one of the best areas in central England for locally scarce wading birds. The first curlew usually return to the Upper Ray Meadows in late February, and by early spring lapwing…
Saved from development in the 1980s, Ancells Farm is an important site for its heathland and bog plants, such as bog asphodel and bog pimpernel. The grassland, fen and rush pasture meadows…
Greywell Moors is an exquisite combination of spring-fed fen, alkaline fen and carr fen woodland. It is a nationally important fenland, renowned for its varied range of nationally scarce plant…
This tranquil haven with a rich variety of wildlife includes the beautiful Pavis Woods - just perfect for recharging the batteries!
A wonderful wildlife experience of chalkland flowers including greater butterfly-orchids and thousands of fragrant orchids.
A magnificent woodland - home to birds, bats and butterflies, where you can forget the stresses of everyday life.
330 results