Dormouse appeal

Dormouse sleeping on hand

Dormouse sleeping on hand by Amy Lewis

Help local dormice

An urgent appeal on behalf of dormice in your local area

You may be surprised to know that the number of dormice has declined by more than a third since 2000 across many places in Britain. The damage to or complete loss of woodland and hedgerows and the decline of coppicing are all responsible for the decreasing populations of dormice.

Please help us to give dormice a fighting chance of survival. A donation will help cover the costs of improving woodlands on our reserves to provide a suitable habitat for dormice and other woodland species to feed, breed, hibernate, and so survive.

What a donation today could help us to do:

  • restore important hedgerow habitats and connect fragments of woodland.

  • enable a volunteer group to undertake important coppicing work.

  • help us survey sites on our reserves to monitor the local population of dormice

Donate today

We work hard to ensure our woodland is managed in a way that creates a good habitat for dormice and other wildlife – but we need your help to continue to do this.

By making a special gift today, you can help protect and enhance habitats across our three counties and make places for dormice and other woodland species to thrive.

Donate today

Frequently asked questions

How can I donate to the appeal?

First of all, a massive “thank you” from all of us here at BBOWT for choosing to support us! There are various ways that you can support us:

  • Online: please go to  
  • By phone: please call 01865 788300 between 9am and 5pm Monday - Friday 
  • By post: please send your gift to us at Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust, The Lodge, 1 Armstrong Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XT

Your donation, no matter the size, really will go a long way and make a big difference, so thank you!

Some suggested amounts are listed below:

  • £30 for 2m of hedge laid by volunteers
  • £50 for two billhooks to cut shrubs and branches
  • £89 to coppice a 100 m2 site by volunteers
  • £207 for one visit to survey dormice
  • £500 for vital management tools, such as chainsaws
  • £1,600 to coppice a site for a year

Donate here

BBOWT need to raise £40,000 by the 23 November in order to cover the costs of all the activities we want to do this year and next, to improve woodland habitats in our three counties, for dormice and other woodland wildlife.

Any excess funds will be used on other BBOWT woodland nature reserves.