Rough Around the Edges

Wildlife pond

BBOWT will be working with Ssassy Property to install and maintain wildlife-friendly features like ponds, orchards and other habitats across Springfield Meadows.

Rough Around the Edges

Rough Around the Edges

Making local spaces for wildlife across the Central Chilterns

With our Rough Around the Edges project, we are supporting community groups that need advice, training and resources to create, restore and improve habitat for wildlife in small, local spaces. We help with planning projects, recruiting and training volunteers and with buying materials and equipment. A small amount of funding is available to support the projects depending on the needs of each group.

Rough Around the Edges (RATE) is part of the Chalk, Cherries and Chairs Landscape Partnership Scheme led by Chilterns Conservation Board. The Scheme is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and has three key themes: Wildlife, History, and People and Communities. Rough Around the Edges is one of six Wildlife themed projects and is being delivered by BBOWT.

Small, wildlife-rich areas can be just as important as big ones - and by improving and connecting these little islands of nature we can help wildlife recover across the central Chilterns. Examples of sites we are working on include:

  • community gardens
  • woodlands
  • churchyards
  • allotments
  • ponds and watercourses
  • meadow areas

How can your group get involved?

If you:

  • have an idea that will protect and improve a small local area for wildlife
  • are community focused and working with local volunteers
  • want to look after your wild space for the long-term

then Rough Around the Edges can help!

We can:

  • provide advice and training to look after your wild space
  • help you to recruit, train and look after volunteers
  • support you to set-up a community environmental group
  • provide a small amount of funding to support your project

Contact our Project Officer, Katie Horgan, who can meet you and your site to help you plan what you’d like to do. If you think we can help, you’ll need to complete a short project plan

Phone: 01442 826774

Rough Around the Edges projects

Take action for wildlife

Follow our handy guides to inspire you to take action for wildlife in your local space.

Gardening for wildlife

Every windowsill, yard, and small garden is a stepping stone in the patchwork of spaces that animals and plants live in and move through - for shelter, and for food. Tiny changes that we can make help to improve the connections between these patches, making a huge difference to our wild companions. Find out more in this video.


Find out more about the habitats that the Rough Around the Edges project focuses on.


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Our partners and supporters

Heritage Fund Chilterns AONB Chalk, Cherries and Chairs