NHS officially backs 30 Days Wild

NHS officially backs 30 Days Wild

Family in meadow by Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Can you do one wild thing every day for a month to boost your health and wellbeing?

A campaign by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) challenging people to connect with nature every day in June has been officially backed by the NHS.

The health service said that being in or around nature is 'so important for health and happiness' and urged people to get involved.

The Wildlife Trusts across the UK have run the 30 Days Wild challenge every June for nearly a decade, encouraging people to take one wild act each day. This can be anything from watching wildlife from a window to listening to birdsong or taking a meal or drink outside.

The Trusts have long promoted the mental and physical health benefits of spending time in nature, but now for the first time the initiative has won the backing of the UK's National Health Service.

A beautiful young woman sits on the grass in a park, with daisies in the foreground and blossoming trees behind. She has her head thrown back and her eyes closed, enjoying the peace of nature

A mindful moment in a park © Tom Hibbert

Liz Shearer, BBOWT's Community Engagement Director, said:
"We are over the moon that the NHS has endorsed our challenge: we have always known that spending time in green spaces can have huge health benefits for many people, helping to lower heart rate and blood pressure and reduce anxiety, but now we have the official support of our fantastic health service.

"But we don't expect people to take our word for it: we are saying to people across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire - give it a go! Try taking one tiny act to connect with nature and see what it does for you – you could change your life."

Last year more than 500,000 people took part in 30 Days Wild, including more than 5,000 in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Across the UK, 114,245 households, 11,740 schools, 898 care homes and 1,384 businesses joined in.

Girl looking at caterpillar

Photo by Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Anyone taking part can order a free activity pack, with different packs for families, individuals, businesses and schools containing activities, games and packets of wildflower seeds to sow.

A survey of nearly 1,000 participants last year found that people’s favourite activities were: 

  • Watching wildlife (over 90% of people)
  • Listening to birdsong (85%)
  • Taking a meal or drink outside (81%)

Other popular wild acts were planting wildflowers (76%), exercising outdoors (71%), identifying wildflowers (70%) and visiting somewhere wild (65%).

The 2022 survey also revealed:

  • Over 74% of people said 30 Days Wild improved their mental health
  • Over 76% of people said 30 Days Wild improved their relationship with nature
  • Over 81% of people said 30 Days Wild motivated them to do more to protect nature
Engaging with Nature participants at a session in the woods. Picture: Carrie Starbuck

Engaging with Nature participants at a session in the woods. Picture: Carrie Starbuck

The NHS has decided to back 30 Days Wild as it celebrates its 75th anniversary celebrations this year. The Greener NHS programme at NHS England will be showcasing NHS gardens and green spaces that support biodiversity, improve air quality, and provide health benefits for staff and patients, both physically and mentally – across the NHS estate.

Dr Nick Watts, Chief Sustainability Officer at NHS England, says:
“The NHS was founded to provide high-quality care for all, now, and for future generations. We are joining 30 Days Wild to celebrate the hard work and commitment of NHS staff, past and present who have created and cared for green spaces and gardens in hospitals, GP surgeries, outpatient facilities and across our NHS estate. These spaces improve health, aid patient recovery and support staff wellbeing, while improving biodiversity and air quality. We’d like to encourage all NHS organisations, staff and volunteers to get involved and make the most of your green spaces for 30 Days Wild.”

Join 30 Days Wild and download your free activity pack today!