Wildlife gardening in September

Hedgehog house by Gillian Day

Community Wildlife Officer Barbara Polonara shares some ideas about what to do in your garden for wildlife this month.
Hedgehog house

Hedgehog house by Gillian Day

Time for an Autumn clean

It's time for a hedgehog box autumn clean! Take out old nesting material from hedgehog boxes, clean with a pet-safe disinfectant and let it air dry. Line it again with unstapled newspapers and cut pet hay - fill up to the top, as hogs do like a snuggly space!

Make sure your hog box is empty first - if a guest is still there, quickly transfer it to a cardboard box, clean, then place the hog back in its box, making sure to brick it in until dusk to prevent it from running off and potentially getting injured. Remember to remove the bricks at dusk!

Find out how to build a hedgehog home

The purple flowers of a wisteria plant

Wisteria by Ashleigh Carter

Look after shrubs

Help your wisteria flower to do well next Spring by cutting back the long whippy side laterals to five or six leaves from the base of the stem. If you are looking to cut back your shrubs, now is the time to do it as most garden bird species will have finished nesting.

A hand planting a daffodil bulb into the soil using a trowel

Planting daffodil bulbs, photo: Getty Images.

Plant your bulbs

It is now a great time to plant those spring bulbs, ready to flower for early pollinators next spring.