Water vole by Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
Planning advice
Government’s planning reforms must address the nature and climate crisis
The Wildlife Trusts call for a new designation – Wildbelt – to allow nature’s recovery.
Land Advice Service
Planning for nature
Land and Farm Advice Service
Independent financial advice
Countdown for Wildlife. Act swiftly to help reverse the decline of nature in England
The Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust is asking everyone who wants to see nature’s fortunes improve to act swiftly and respond to Government consultations on farming and planning, which end…
Government announces plans for nature
Today’s announcement is positive but it now needs to translate into action. We need more nature everywhere - the work continues.
Changes to the planning system mustn't undermine nature's recovery
There are problems in the planning system that the Government needs to address, but they should do so without reverting to the age-old cheap shot of blaming newts and NIMBYs and taking power away…
Planning and Infrastructure Bill: reforms must protect nature
Planning reforms and a strategic approach to mitigation delivery could speed up planning and help restore nature, but proposed reforms don’t. Here's why.
Our Government's epic gamble where wildlife loses
BBOWT Chief Executive Estelle Bailey explains why the country needs to #DefendNature from the new Government's attacks.