Barn owl by Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Renew your membership
We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you so much for all your support over the past year
It's through the generosity of our members like you that the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust is able to continue to give wildlife a voice, to nurture over 80 nature reserves, to buy further nature reserves and to inspire people to take action for wildlife.
How to renew your membership
If you don't currently pay for your membership by Direct Debit, you can renew it online, or contact us by phone or post.
Renew online
To renew your membership online using a credit or debit card, please use the form below. Please note that payments are made through PayPal, but a PayPal account is not necessary to complete payment.
Renew by post
Please fill in the renewal letter we sent you and return in the freepost envelope.
Renew by phone
Call the Membership Office 01865 788300 (during office hours).
Why not help make your money go further and set up a Direct Debit. This will reduce our administration costs, so more money can go towards protecting wildlife. As a thank you for setting up a new Direct Debit, we will send you a free copy of Your Wild Guide, an exclusive guidebook to help you discover your local nature reserves. To set up this up call our Membership Office on 01865 788300 and we can arrange everything for you over the phone.