Write to your MP - Badger Cull


Badger by Bertie Gregory/2020Vision

Ask your MP to stop the badger cull

Act now to stop the badger cull

Licensed badger culling is permitted in the UK, including Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, resulting in the death of thousands of healthy badgers.

Since 2014, the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) has been running a successful badger vaccination programme. The results have proven that there is a much more humane way to tackle bovine tuberculosis that is also at least 60 times cheaper per badger than culling.

We sympathise with the plight of farmers and know the hardship that bovine TB causes. But culling badgers is not the answer to the bovine TB problem. The government has seen no definitive benefits from years of industry-led culling of badgers in England. 

Will you write to your MP and ask them to urge the Government not to press ahead with the widespread destruction of this iconic protected species?

Step 2

Write an email to your MP asking them to insist that the government reconsiders their decision to extend the cull. You could include the following points:

  • Badger culling to date has produced no scientifically sound measurable benefits and the primary cause of outbreaks of bTB in cattle is cattle-to-cattle transmission.
  • We appreciate that bTB can have a devastating impact on farmers. That is why we want greater resources dedicated to vaccinating badgers, which has proved to be far more cost effective than culling.
  • A badger cull will undermine the vaccination work already being carried out in Oxfordshire and risk healthy, vaccinated badgers being needlessly killed. 

Step 3

When you've sent the email to your MP, let us know using the form below.

Select your MP from the drop down list.
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