Sometimes I wish time would stand still, but no, it accelerates by margins every year! June 2024 is nearly upon us! It’s 30 Days Wild, the annual Wildlife Trust challenge to do a random or deliberate act to engage with nature every day in June. For me, this is making time every day to notice nature.
I’m sitting in my garden right now, I’m surrounded by birdsong, goldfinches calling to each other across several gardens, sparrows on the seed feeder chucking it all over the place. A bedraggled blackbird I’ve named Tom (same name, different bird every year), pokes around picking up the spilled grain, a temporary respite before resuming the live food hunt for his babies.
This has gone on for days, he’s exhausted, his tail feathers are beginning to fall out. Tom and his partner Sophie’s nest is in the hedge at the end of the garden. Sophie has done her time and moved on, leaving Tom to take on feeding duties, I can hardly bear the daily trauma of will they or won’t they make it.
Four feet to the right of the blackbird's nest, a wren emerges from the thick ivy, she too has babies. The babies shrill desperately when she returns with a stuffed beak of squirming creatures. She is, of course, called Jenny.
My attention turns to a shieldbug that has landed on the table, iridescent green, crikey, it’s perfect in every way.