Gifts in Wills events 2024

White-legged damselfly, macro image showing large, blue compound eyes

White-legged damselfly by Harry Berks, Woodford Bottom & Lamb's Pool Nature Reserve, Oxfordshire

Legacy Events

Gifts in Wills Events 2024 - Demonstrating the vital impact of legacies on our work

Just for you in 2024

Gifts in wills are not only vital to our everyday work, they also help substantially increase our positive impact on nature’s recovery. If you are interested in finding out how a gift in your will can benefit your local wildlife, we’ve got just the event for you!

If you have any problems when booking onto the event please contact the events team on or alternatively call us on 01865 788 300.


Bringing our events closer to you

This year we are organising an event for each of our beautiful counties and although you will have received an invitation for your local area you are more than welcome to book onto the event that is most convenient for you.

Gifts in wills event at Warburg Nature Reserve, Oxfordshire, Thursday 26 September, 1.00pm-3.00pm

Join us for a guided walk, light refreshments and a short talk about how transformative gifts in wills are for BBOWT at this remote and magnificent nature reserve. It’s a hidden wildlife gem nestling in the Chilterns, rich in wildlife that will lift your spirits!

Places are limited so please book today! Click here to book.

An avenue of trees at Warburg Nature Reserve by John Kearns - runner-up in the landscape category in the BBOWT Photography Competition 2022.

An avenue of trees at Warburg Nature Reserve by John Kearns - runner-up in the landscape category in the BBOWT Photography Competition 2022.

Thank you for your generous support of BBOWT. We look forward to seeing you at one of our future gifts in Wills events.

You can find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to BBOWT at our legacy page.