Calvert Jubilee
A lakeside sprinkled with wild flowers - a haven for birdwatchers with tufted duck, kingfisher and common tern.
Greenham Common by James Osmond
72 results
A lakeside sprinkled with wild flowers - a haven for birdwatchers with tufted duck, kingfisher and common tern.
This sloping old meadow dotted with large anthills has a variety of wild flowers and a wealth of insects.
An ancient landscape and a vital refuge for wading birds, Chimney Meadows is the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust's largest nature reserve in Oxfordshire.
With magnificent views over the Vale of Aylesbury, Chinnor Hill is a patchwork of flowery grassland, scrub and woodland, steeped in ancient history.
A tranquil riverside marsh with great crested grebe, warblers and a colony of the nationally rare Desmoulin's whorl snail.
Nature reclaimed this worked-out chalk quarry and created an outstanding centre for wildlife, which gives nature-lovers of all ages easy access to an amazing range of wild plants and animals.
A tranquil woodland, CS Lewis Nature Reserve contains a large pond full of aquatic plants and toads that migrate to spawn here.
This tranquil haven with a rich variety of wildlife includes the beautiful Pavis Woods - just perfect for recharging the batteries!
Here you will see some of the best displays of dragonflies and damselflies in Berkshire, including the downy emerald dragonfly and the rare small red damselfly, as well as wild flowers and birds…
A fascinating mosaic of fossil-rich cliffs, fenland with ponds and streams, grassland, scrub and woodland set in an old quarry.
72 results