Mini Police help plant flowers to brighten shops

Mini Police help plant flowers to brighten shops

Pupils from Southcote Primary School in Reading help plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project. Picture: Pete Hughes

Community bring life to estate as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project.

Primary school police officers helped BBOWT plant flowers and pick up litter to brighten a local shopping precinct.

The Year 6 pupils from Southcote Primary in Reading lent a hand at Coronation Square on Friday (28 April).

They got their hands dirty as part of Thames Valley Police's Mini Police program which helps children do good works in the community.

The green scheme in Coronation Square is being guided by BBOWT as part of the Trust's Nextdoor Nature project in Reading, helping locals create space for nature and wildlife.

Pupils from Southcote Primary School in Reading help plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project.

Pupils from Southcote Primary School in Reading help plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project. Picture: Pete Hughes

Clare Hegarty, BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project officer, said:
"This area has struggled a bit - the planters in front of the shops were really untidy, so we're trying to improve them by putting in some fresh new flowers and other plants, and improve biodiversity in an urban area.

"We were really happy to have the Mini Police, who had a great time digging and finding lots of worms, as well as lots of other volunteers from the area. We're hoping we can keep this area more tidy for the residents and help create more nature everywhere."

An orange-tip butterfly perched on a flower bed

An orange-tip butterfly perches on a flower bed while pupils from Southcote Primary School in Reading help plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project. Picture: Pete Hughes

The effort to spruce up Coronation Square was spearheaded by Reading Borough Council Neighbourhood Initiatives Officer Joe Northcote last year. BBOWT has offered advice and practical support to the team planting flowers, herbs and other edible plants.

The project has been championed by popular shopkeeper Nahulasalingam Abiram - known affectionately as Abs - who runs the square's community shop and post office.

Nahulasalingam Abiram, a shopkeeper in Southcote, Reading, who has been helping to plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project. Picture: Kate Titford

Nahulasalingam Abiram, a shopkeeper in Southcote, Reading, who has been helping to plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project. Picture: Kate Titford

Mr Abiram said:
"This is a nice area: there are schools around here and a beautiful park, it's a massive multicultural community, so we want to build that community.

"It's fantastic because we're already growing - when people see the flowers it will really have that 'wow factor' - everyone will smile and it will create great impressions for everyone."

Pupils from Southcote Primary School in Reading help plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project.

Pupils from Southcote Primary School in Reading help plant flowers in Coronation Square as part of BBOWT's Nextdoor Nature project. Picture: Pete Hughes

BBOWT is hoping to help ten projects in Reading as part of its National Lottery Heritage Fund-supported Nextdoor Nature project, and has already been working with Newtown Community Garden 'rewilding' project on the other side of town.

To find out more about Nextdoor Nature and to ask about getting help with a community nature project, go to

Nextdoor Nature is bringing communities together to help nature flourish where they live and work. Thanks to £5 million funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Nextdoor Nature will provide people with the advice and support they need to help nature on their doorstep, and leave a lasting legacy to mark The Queen's Platinum Jubilee.