Airport expansion plans deemed ‘legal’
The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust is disappointed at the Supreme Court’s ruling on 16th December, overturning a Court of Appeal decision earlier in the year that had blocked Heathrow’s…
The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust is disappointed at the Supreme Court’s ruling on 16th December, overturning a Court of Appeal decision earlier in the year that had blocked Heathrow’s…
High Speed 2 Ltd are to begin clearance works at our Calvert Jubilee nature reserve, resulting in the heart-breaking destruction of a precious place.
On behalf of all the wildlife that will be destroyed by HS2, we are dismayed that the Prime Minister has decided to give the go ahead to the environmentally disastrous project.
New Environment Bill policy statement from government includes measures called for by the Wildlife Trusts.
BBOWT loses legal challenge against the government over lack of environmental consultation in Ox-Cam Expressway proposals.
In February 2019, the High Court gave permission to the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) to proceed with their claim against the government regarding the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway…
We have met with representatives of HS2 to make it clear that the scale and timing of the works will have a devastating effect on wildlife and that BBOWT opposes the proposals as they stand.