Where to go in October

Where to go in October

Fly agaric fungus mushroom. Picture: Jon Hawkins/ Surrey Hills Photography

With nearly 90 nature reserves across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire to choose from, which are the best to visit this month?
Bowdown Woods by Rob Appleby

Bowdown Woods, Berks

Autumn is a colourful time at Bowdown Woods, which contains woodland, grassland and heathland. Leaves turn to shades of gold and brightly coloured fungi push their way to the earth's surface.

Follow our circular wildlife walks around each of the three parts of the reserve to discover more.

Access: Variable, the reserve is made up of three areas: 
Baynes: steep slopes, uneven underfoot, long flight of steps and a boardwalk.
Bomb Site: flat and surfaced, accessible for robust mobility scooters and robust wheelchairs. 
Bowdown: gentle slopes, soft after rain.

Bowdown Woods

College Lake nature reserve. Still taken from BBC Countryfile.

College Lake nature reserve. Still taken from BBC Countryfile.

College Lake, Bucks

October is a great time to visit College Lake nature reserve. It's when the birds that spend the winter here start to arrive and summer visitors are leaving so there is plenty to see.

Take a walk around the entire lake or stroll down to one of the many bird hides and sit quietly to watch life out on the lake. Round off your visit with a drink in the cafe that overlooks the lake too.

Access: Gentle slopes, 90% surfaced paths, gates, benches.

Some wheelchair access, including hides; two mobility Tramper vehicles are available to use - contact us on 01442 826774 or collegelake@bbowt.org.uk to book.

College Lake nature reserve

You can get a taster of College Lake in our virtual tour as Leo Keedy takes a walk around the site and explains how this old quarry has become one of the best places for water birds in Buckinghamshire.

Virtual tour of College Lake

We've also got a webcam overlooking the lake so you can see what's going on at any time.

College Lake webcam

Visit on Sunday 15 October and you'll find the plant and produce market organised by the Chilterns Group volunteers with plenty of goodies on offer.

Plant and produce market 15 October

Collared earthstar fungus

Collared earthstar. Photo by Mick Jones

Dancersend with Pavis Woods, Bucks

Dancersend is wonderful all through the year. Autumn brings a large number of fungi, including fly agaric and the amazing collared earthstar, above, whose outer layer splits and folds backward into a star-shaped pattern.

Our Tring Park Wild Walk is a circular walk from Tring that includes Dancersend and a section of the Ridgeway National Trail so you can explore the surrounding areas too. 

Access: Variable, gentle slopes, bumpy in places; gates; benches.


Tring Park Wild Walk

Spindle berries

Spindle berries

Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon

Dry Sandford Pit is a fascinating mosaic of fossil-rich cliffs, fenland with ponds and streams, grassland, scrub and woodland set in an old quarry.

In the autumn there's plenty of interesting fungi to discover, and colour from the berries and turning leaves.

Explore the whole area further with our 5km Cothill Fen circular walk, which takes in three BBOWT nature reserves: Dry Sandford Pit, Parsonage Moor and Lashford Lane Fen.

Access: Undulating, steep cliffs; firm paths, some moderate slopes; kissing gates

Dry Sandford Pit

Cothill Fen circular walk

Fly agaric fungus growing in leaf litter

Fly agaric mushrooms growing in leaf litter. Picture: Bernard Spragg CC PDM 1.0

Snelsmore Common, Berks

Snelsmore Common in West Berkshire is an interesting mix of woodland, heathland and wet mires which makes it home for lots of different wildlife. 

Over 75% of the lowland heath like that at Snelsmore Common has been lost in the last 150 years and as a result many birds and other animals that live here are nationally very rare. 

Print our crayon rubbing trail and take it with you when you visit to discover more about the special heathland wildlife here. A great activity for children to enjoy!

Access: The common is dissected by a number of valley mires so some paths are steep and uneven. A paved circular path 0.75 miles, the Easy Access Trail, is fully accessible by pushchairs and wheelchairs (RADAR key required to fully open gate).

Snelsmore Common

Beech woodland in autumn

Beech woodlands like that at Warburg Nature Reserve are threatened by the changing climate. Photo by BBOWT

Warburg Nature Reserve, Oxon

This nature reserve nestled in the Chilterns is great to get away from it all. Filled with autumn colour from the beechwoods and fungi, there's plenty to discover as you explore.

Follow the circular Wildlife Walk for a short exploration of the reserve or follow the many paths to discover more.

Access: Variable, mostly steep paths and loose flint, flat grassy path; muddy in valley bottom after rain; benches.

mobility Tramper vehicle may be available to borrow, please email hughweldon@bbowt.org.uk or call 07541 690655 before visiting to book in advance.

Warburg Nature Reserve

Please make sure to leave any fungi in place on our nature reserves for others to enjoy another time. 

What's on this month