Blog: Kate Titford

Wild Writing by Nicola Chester

Get an insider's view into the work of the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust. Find out what conservation work we're carrying out and meet some of the wonderful people, from our reserves staff to our trainees, that are behind everything we do.

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A harvest mouse nest in a field margin in West Oxfordshire. Picture: Lucy Stoddart

Surveying for harvest mice

Ecology trainee, Hayley Beck goes searching for signs of Europe's smallest rodent in the dead of winter

Red kite in flight

Where to go in December

With nearly 90 nature reserves across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire to choose from, which are the best to visit this month?

Oak leaves

Where to go in November

With nearly 90 nature reserves to choose from in our three counties, which are the best to visit this month?

Discover autumn colours, fabulous fungi and wintering wildfowl.

Bowdown Woods by Rob Appleby

Where to go in October

With nearly 90 nature reserves across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire to choose from, which are the best to visit this month?

Chiltern gentians

Where to go in September

With nearly 90 nature reserves across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire to choose from, which are the best to visit this month?

A tunnel for adders running underneath a road

Pioneering tunnels help adders

Roger Stace, Senior Land Manager (Berkshire) explains how a pioneering project at Greenham and Crookham Commons is giving adders a chance of survival