Family activity: how to make and use story stones
Story stones are a great way to get inspiration for making stories. Making the stones is good fun, and you can use them over and over again in different ways!
Wild Writing by Nicola Chester
Get an insider's view into the work of the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust. Find out what conservation work we're carrying out and meet some of the wonderful people, from our reserves staff to our trainees, that are behind everything we do.
Story stones are a great way to get inspiration for making stories. Making the stones is good fun, and you can use them over and over again in different ways!
How to get started planting seeds at home, and some top tips on which kinds of flowers and veggies to try!
This activity is great fun for toddlers and young children, and can be adapted and put together using whatever you have at home.
A chalk spider hunt is a great activity for younger children, or when mini beasts are feeling a bit hard to spot!
Tree shaking is a really easy way to discover mini-beasts living in your garden or local green space, and you don't need much equipment. Charlotte shows us how!
Composting your kitchen waste is good for the environment and your garden wildlife, and you’ll make a free fertiliser! Charlotte explains how to get started.
Flowers are fascinating! Take a look more closely and find out what makes a flower.