Blog: Birds

Wild Writing by Nicola Chester


A redwing perched on a berry-laden branch

Birds on the move

For many birdwatchers, autumn is the most exciting time of year. But what are they so excited about?


Waxwing winters

Discover the bird that’s a favourite amongst birdwatchers, despite the fact that most rarely see one.

Dartford warbler among pink flowers, The Wildlife Trusts

Bird ringing in West Berkshire

Volunteer bird ringer Jan Legg explains how a lifelong love of birds led to learning to survey the local bird population through bird ringing

Swallows perched along a telegraph wire against a blue sky, The Wildlife Trusts

Getting Wild About Gardens

The buzz of a bee, the sweet scent of honeysuckle, these precious moments are not only a delight to experience in our gardens, they’re absolutely vital if we’re going to protect, restore and…