Our top 10 wildlife sightings for November
Waxcaps, lapwings, waxwings… and lapcaps? With the nights drawing in, fungi continue to thrive as more feathered friends join for the winter.
Wild Writing by Nicola Chester
Waxcaps, lapwings, waxwings… and lapcaps? With the nights drawing in, fungi continue to thrive as more feathered friends join for the winter.
Fungi are the stars of the show as we enter October, but the changing leaves also herald wintering visitors and other autumnal wildlife.
The autumnal colours of deciduous trees are one of the big natural spectacles of the year. But why do leaves change colour in autumn, and why do some leaves go red, while others turn yellow?
Autumn is the perfect time to look for fungi, but what hides beneath the towering toadstools?
American squirrels, Atlantic salmon and Russian ducks all get ready for winter in England.
Shiny red conkers, fighting foxes and eight-legged guests using the bath are among the wild highlights as summer turns to autumn.
With nearly 90 nature reserves to choose from in our three counties, which are the best to visit this month?
Discover autumn colours, fabulous fungi and wintering wildfowl.
Winter migrants are arriving to spend the winter here, and there are colourful plants and fungi to discover.
Find out which wildlife to look for this month in our area.
Leaves are changing colour and migrant birds are arriving; all signalling autumn is here. Find out which wildlife to look for this month.
Change is in the air as our summer bird visitors gather before heading south for the winter. Find out which wildlife to look for this month.