Blog: Autumn

Wild Writing by Nicola Chester


Tawny owl by andrejprosicky for Adobe Stock

Our top 10 wildlife sightings for November

Winter migrants are arriving to spend the winter here, and there are colourful plants, fungi and even the last of the flowers to look out for.

Find out which wildlife to look for this…

CS Lewis nature reserve

Fun things to do at your local nature reserve

Our wonderful supporter Aoife (9) shares all the fun things she's found to do at the C.S. Lewis nature reserve with her mum Imogen. We think everybody could give these a try - whatever your…

Cellar spider by Tom Hibbert

Living with spiders

Every autumn, headlines warn about spiders invading our homes. But what’s the real story with our eight-legged neighbours?

Hawthorn haws by Philip Precey

A bounty of berries

As trees shed their leaves, a bounty of berries is revealed - a vital resource for many birds and small mammals through the winter.

Butter waxcap

Wildlife to look for in September

In the month when autumn really starts to take hold, look out for these species in your garden, local green spaces and on your walks