Family activity: How to make an animal footprint trap in your back garden
Find out how to make a footprint trap and discover who visits your garden when you're not looking.
Wild Writing by Nicola Chester
Get an insider's view into the work of the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust. Find out what conservation work we're carrying out and meet some of the wonderful people, from our reserves staff to our trainees, that are behind everything we do.
Find out how to make a footprint trap and discover who visits your garden when you're not looking.
It's such a colourful time of year, so why not get out on a colour treasure hunt?
A lovely craft to do with your little ones using finds collected on your autumnal walks
Claire shows us how you can make your own string from the dried stems of stinging nettles. You could make a bracelet, use it to lash poles together for a shelter, or use it anywhere you need…
Claire shows us how to catch marvellous mini-beasts in your garden to get a closer look