Blog: Top 10

Wild Writing by Nicola Chester


Cowslips (Primula veris)

Our top 10 wildlife sightings for April

Nature is springing into life this month, from the tadpoles exploring their watery world to the vibrant hues of butterflies and wildflowers adorning the landscape.

The miniscule pink tentacle-like hazel flowers peeking out of a bud

Top 10 wildlife sightings for February

Signs of spring are beginning to appear, with early flowers providing a splash of colour, and even the odd butterfly chancing some nectar. Read on to see what you can spot this month.


Our top 10 wildlife sightings for January

Although many animals hibernate over winter and flowers await their rebirth in spring, wildlife can still be found across our counties. See what you can spot this month.

A hobby flying over a field with a dragonfly in its talons.

Our top 10 wildlife sightings for September

A last snatch of summer, September is the transitional time to see late-emerging dragonflies, early arriving fungi, and some miniature house guests looking for a safe place to mate…