Emily's story: The town with no birds!

Emily's story: The town with no birds!

Eight-year-old Emily is a wildlife-lover, budding author and BBOWT member. Here's her story about a town with no birds, and how they came back

I had just woken up from a long sleep. I peered over at my clock to see that it had just struck 5.30am. It was nearly the end of the summer holidays and I wondered what I should do today.

As I lay there, I suddenly felt confused, I thought for a moment then realised, I couldn't hear the dawn chorus.

I pushed back my covers and stretched out my arms, then jumped out of bed. It made a loud thumping noise! I suddenly snapped into sensible mode, I shouldn't be jumping out of bed, I might wake up mum and dad.

I stood there for a minute or two listening, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine so I crept as quickly as I could across my room to grab my dressing gown. I tied the belt then tiptoed to the window.

I had accepted I wasn't going to go back to sleep, so I peered out of the window, the sun was just rising into the sky.

I dreamily looked out at the beautiful sight, the oak tree at the end of the garden, the flower beds, which surrounded the shed, and my treehouse, which I go to when I feel extremely happy. I thought about sneaking out and going to it right now but something stopped me. It didn't just stop me, it turned my smile upside down!

I looked back at the beautiful sight but it didn't look so beautiful anymore!

''It needs birds,'' I said out loud, but then quickly covered my mouth with both hands. I listen very carefully; I could hear the distant groan from Dad continued with loud snores. I decided that Mum and Dad must still be in a deep sleep so I continued talking out loud.

''How can we bring back the birds?'' I said to myself. ''A lovely cheeping blue tit or even a loud squawking crow.''

Something had to be done!

That morning, I told Mum and Dad about my concerns and worries. ''Grandpa knows all about birds,'' said Mum. ''Let's go and speak to him.'' ''That's a fantastic idea,'' said Dad!

So that afternoon I went to see Grandpa. He got out his big book of birds and we discussed how to bring back the birds to everybody's gardens, whilst Grandma brought out cake and biscuits for us to eat. When it was time to go home, Grandpa said I could borrow the book.

The next day my friend Evie came over to play, we read the book together and the ideas bubbled in our heads!


Vine House Farm

We decided to put all the plans into action. These included making a bird box to hang on the big oak tree at the bottom of the garden, giving the birds their favourite foods in the right bird feeders and making a bird bath so that they have plenty of water for drinking and bathing. We also told all our friends and neighbours about our ideas so they could help too.

Months went by but no birds came and the world seemed an emptier place.

One sunny spring morning I was sitting outside reading my favourite book when, suddenly, I heard a sound I had not heard for a very long time.

It was merry and cheerful.

I put down my book and looked around. As I turned my head, I came face to face with - a little robin!

It started to sing a sweet little song. I jumped up and started to dance in time to the music. As the song ended, I looked up above my head to see a huge flock of birds fly across the sky.

There were red kites, starlings, kestrels, pigeons, goldfinches, blue tits, jays, blackbirds, magpies, great tits, greenfinches, woodpeckers, and many more.

The little robin cheeped to get my attention; I turned back to look at him. In a very quiet and surprising voice the little robin started to speak.

''I'm very sorry we've been away for so long, but no one was looking after us so we flew away to a hot island. One day I decided to stretch my wings and my journey took me above your house. I noticed how much love and effort you had put into to making the environment perfect for us, so I told all my bird friends and we decided it was time we returned home.''

I said my goodbyes to the robin and then rushed inside to tell mum and dad the good news. Mum agreed we should visit Grandpa and tell him all about what had happened. I picked up his bird book and headed to the car.

Grandpa was so impressed with how I had improved the environment for all the birds he said I could keep the book and from that day I ALWAYS made sure we looked after the birds, especially the robins.

Emily, aged 8

You can help the birds in your garden too!