How to get your daily dose of nature

How to get your daily dose of nature

Starling on bird feeder by Ben Hall/2020VISION

With plenty of evidence that nature can help our wellbeing, here are lots of ways to stay connected to the wild world at this time

As we navigate through the next few weeks and the ‘new normal’ becomes increasingly removed from our usual way of life, we can all rest assured that nature has its part to play in ensuring our wellbeing. 

Evidence shows that noticing the good things in nature benefits our mental health, an impact which is actually greater for those people who are more distant from nature.

Lesser celandine

Lesser celandine by Philip Precey

Now more than ever, during the next few weeks we should take time to notice nature every day, whether that includes managing to get outside and watch spring flowers start to emerge, or noticing nature from a window, such as watching how the breeze moves the trees or watching birds in flight or at a bird table. 

To some extent, nature can also impact mental health by watching it on TV or a computer. How about starting with the Sir David Attenborough Box Sets available in BBC iPlayer


Blackbird by David Tipling/2020VISION

With spring well underway, there are opportunities for everyone to take a moment to notice nature. Research has also shown that nature can play a part in helping socially isolated people feel more connected. 

Take time to tune into nature through your senses, by listening to birdsong or smelling wild flowers.

Take time to appreciate the beauty in nature or to note the joy or calm the good things in nature can promote.

Perhaps take time to think about what you can do for nature and the positive actions you can take now or in a few months.

Take action for wildlife at home 

Peacock butterfly

Peacock butterfly by Les Binns

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•    Activities for children at home
•    Tips on how to enjoy nature during self-isolation
•    Gardening tips (including indoors if you don’t have a garden)
•    Things to read and listen to

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