Blog: Wildlife gardening

Wild Writing by Nicola Chester


A garden lawn with long grass for wildlife

Wildlife gardening in May

Community Wildlife Officer, Barbara Polonara shares some ideas about what to do in your garden for wildlife this month

A female blackbird staling through the long grass of a lawn, with a worm in her beak

Wildlife gardening in April

Community Wildlife Officer, Barbara Polonara shares some ideas about what to do in your garden for wildlife this month

A frog in a garden pond dug during the coronavirus lockdown by Helen Touchard-Paxton - winner of the Team Wilder category in the BBOWT Photography Competition 2022.

Wildlife gardening in March

Community Wildlife Officer, Barbara Polonara shares some ideas about what to do in your garden for wildlife this month

A frog in a garden pond dug during the coronavirus lockdown by Helen Touchard-Paxton - winner of the Team Wilder category in the BBOWT Photography Competition 2022.

Wildlife gardening in February

Community Wildlife Officer, Barbara Polonara shares some ideas about what to do in your garden for wildlife this month

A bee visiting a snowdrop in an Oxfordshire churchyard. Picture: Pete Hughes

Wildlife gardening in January

Community Wildlife Officer, Barbara Polonara shares some ideas about what to do in your garden for wildlife this month

Grow wild with Ben

Wildlife gardening: how to help hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are without doubt one of the nation’s favourite mammals, but they are in decline. Ben’s here to share tips on how to help hedgehogs in your garden!