A bounty of berries
As trees shed their leaves, a bounty of berries is revealed - a vital resource for many birds and small mammals through the winter.
Oak apples, robin's pincushions, witches' brooms - there are thousands of types of gall caused by insects and fungi. It's a fascinating little world to explore!
In her guest blog, BBOWT volunteer surveyor, Sue Taylor discovers there's always something new to find when you stop and look closely.
With regular volunteer work parties cancelled for the time being, but restrictions easing, Charlotte Karmali, volunteer warden at Finemere Wood, tells of being able to return to her haven.
BBOWT volunteer, Simon Blake gives an insight into life as a bird and butterfly surveyor for the ecology team.
With regular volunteer work parties cancelled for the time being, but restrictions easing, Charlotte Karmali, volunteer warden at Finemere Wood, tells of being able to return to her haven.
BBOWT member Claire Manojlovic takes a walk through the Chilterns, visiting Homefield Wood nature reserve on her way
We all know that bees are important pollinators, but there’s always something new to learn about these fascinating creatures